So Mädels,
hier noch ein paar Infos zu den Endrohren. Zum Glück habe ich die Endrohre nicht bestellt gehabt.
- Der Produktionsstart ist noch nicht vorgesehen (Als Auslieferungswoche wurde mir aber bereits die KW 34-35 genannt - Sandtler)
- Mein R wurde verkauft
"Dear Mr. X,
thank you for your email and sorry for the delay but we are closed from the end of July till the 23 of August for summer holidays.
Concerning the 887916, sorry you don't find the photo because we have done only test with this tailpipe but we have not started the production. It's for OEM rear exhaust as the 887915 that has the double oval tailpipes 120x80.
If you want, we have already producedd the tailpipes that you must fit together our rear exhaust ( 762604 rear exhaust + 887815 tailpipes oval 120x80 left and right or 887816 tailpipes round 100 left and right ). In this case you can contact our distributors to have the week of delivery, the prices and all the information that you need.
If you prefer to buy only the tailpipes for original exhaust, 887916, we kindly ask you to wait because we will produce soon but at the moment we cannot give you any week of delivery.
You can remain in contact with one of our distributor in Germany because as soon as the item will be ready we advise immediately them or if you prefer you can contact me from some months.
Our distibutors :
Company BSA
phone number 06201 10010
fax number 06201 100158
[email protected]
Company Sandtler
phone number 02327 986730
fax number 02327 986767
[email protected]
Company Stahlgruber
phone number 08121 7070
fax number 08121 70777000
[email protected]
Please if you have doubt or question feel free to contact me.
Thank you and Best Regards
Supersprint srl
Mauro Bertazzoni"